Why Your Business Should Have a Facebook Page

The Power of Social Media

There is no denying the power of social media. Facebook currently boasts over 1 billion users. Hundreds of millions of people use YouTube on a regular basis. Over three hundred million tweets are tweeted every day! Social media is definitely the new way that people communicate and connect.

So, should your business jump into this social media mix? I would like to suggest that a well-designed use of social media applications like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitter can be an effective addition to your online business presence.

Creating a Facebook page is a relatively easy way for a small business to create an online presence. It is free. It is relatively easy to use. And once your page is online, you can instantly expand your online marketing to everyone within your facebook sphere.

All business pages must be connected to a personal Facebook profile. So you have to have create a personal Facebook first, if you don’t already have one. Once you’ve created your personal account, it is easy to create a page. Here are some suggestions for effective use of your business Facebook page.

Easy to Remember URL

Once you’ve created your Facebook page, it is important to change the URL to an easy remember name that identifies your business. Go to the “Edit Page” area of the site and select “Create a username for this page.” This will not only make it easier for people to find your page on Facebook, it will also improve your search engine results for your business identity.

Start with the Basics

It may seem obvious, but it amazing how many people fail to take this simple first step. Make sure you get your basic contact information on your business Facebook page. Make this the first information you add, even before you add the pictures or videos. You want to make sure that people who find your page, can also find out how to contact you.

Make Links

Once you get your Facebook page published and looking good, now it is time to link your page with all of your other marketing efforts. Do you have a business website? You should definitely link your Facebook page to your website. You can also link your business website to your Facebook page. Encourage friends on Facebook to “Like” your page to expand your circle of influence. Do you have a blog as part of your business website? There are some great tools that allow you to easily share links to your blog on your Facebook page. Before long you will find the audience for your blog posts are growing and finding a wider readership.

Fresh and Valuable Content

To ensure the effectiveness of your Facebook page as a marketing tool, you need to post new content on a regular basis. Has your business expanded lately? Share that! Have you achieved a business goal? Do you have helpful information or advice that you can share? What you share obviously depends on the kind of business you are in? However, keep in mind that Facebook is SOCIAL media, so try to focus on announcements and information that enrich your connections to people, not just that market your products or service. Be willing to give away your expertise or share your insights to help others, and you will find that the connections you make will reap greater rewards for everyone involved.

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